2020 New Year Goals

2020 New Year Goals. Goals and Resolutions for the new year. Business, health and lifestyle goals for 2020. The Blonder Life

Hello 2020! We are now a little over a week into the new decade! How crazy?! The fact that the year is 2020 is still so wild to me. But I am so excited for a new decade!

I actually love the start of a new year. There’s something so refreshing about starting new, and really setting your mindright and intentions for the new year. I know there are people who don’t love setting resolutions or goals, but I am not one of those people! Over the years I have started to set goals for the new year, as opposed to resolutions! I just like the sound of goals better!

Every year I physically write out all my goals for the new year, and plan out actionable steps for each one. I usually sit down and make a time out of it, kind of journaling about why I want to make each goal a goal for that year! I think when you’re making goals there are two important factors: why are you making that goal for the new year and is my goal specific enough.

These are the two rules/ questions I make sure to think about when setting my goals for the new year!

For example, if one of your goals is to be healthier, try to make that more specific, and answer why you want that to be a goal! Do you want to start eating more plant-based because maybe meat or dairy doesn’t sit right for you, or do you want to workout 1-2 times a week because you want to have more energy? Think about why you’re making the goals, and make them specific for you!

Then, I break my new year goals into categories! This year I did 3 categories: business, health & fitness, and lifestyle.

2020 New Year Goals. Goals and Resolutions for the new year. Business, health and lifestyle goals for 2020. The Blonder Life



The other day I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about setting numerical goals for their business, and they brought up a good point. Follower count is something that is out of your control! Yes, there are steps you can do to help encourage growth, but in the end, it is based on other people on whether they click that follow button! Number goals are something that I always set for my business, because it’s a motivator and easily trackable. But, it’s important to want that follower count for the right reasons! Just wanted to share this tidbit, because I know I have a lot of other bloggers who follow me.

  • Reach 10K on Instagram
    • Like I mentioned above, I’m going to hone in on why I want to hit 10K outside of just the number milestone!
  • Publish 2 blog posts a month
  • Consistency on Instagram with 4-5 posts a week
  • Grow Pinterest
  • Focus on my community, and how to better serve followers


Last year I finally found a love for working out, and started (kind of) enjoying cooking! I finally got into a workout routine, and want to continue that into 2020! Most of my health and fitness goals for the year are from last year as well, but I want to keep them going!

  • Continue to workout 2-3x a week
  • Drink more water, and less soda
  • Plan out lunches, and dinner
    • I already pack lunch throughout the week, but I got lazy last year and bought a lot of frozen stuff! Not only is that not the healthiest, but it also isn’t cost-effective. I want to pack more fresh “real” food for lunches and get into the routine of planning everything out on Sunday or Monday!


  • Read 5 books in 2020
  • Invest in my skin and hair
    • In 2019 my skin and hair really took a turn for the worst. A little dramatic, but it was the root for most of my low self worth days. I’m making it one of my top priorities for the year to invest more in myself and get everything back to nice and healthy!
  • Make church a priority
    • When I finally moved to Houston I wanted to find a church home that I truly loved, and felt connected to. I’ve been to Ecclessia a handful of times, and really love it. Going to church should be looked at as part of your routine, and something that you want to do and something that makes you happier! Not a chore. I’m definitely guilty of using the too “busy” on Sunday excuse, but no more!
  • Find a small group/bible study
  • Take more photos for memories
    • When I was going through my Google Photos for 2019 I realized how many photos I have of just me… Which is understandable considering what I do, but a little sad. There are so many times where I skip out on just taking a quick photo with a friend, or my parents because it’s not “gram-worthy” but then you miss out on having that photo as a memory! I want to take more photos this year solely for memories, without them having to be picture perfect!
  • Print off photos in frames, or photo books

Here’s to the new year!


1 Comment

  1. Michał
    December 26, 2020 / 6:11 pm

    You are a very beautiful and delicate queen.

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