My Plan To Clear Up My Skin

How I'm planning to clear up my skin. Adult hormonal acne struggles. The Blonder Life

About two weeks ago I shared on my Instagram, that my skin had been freaking out and I was trying to change up a few things to see what would work! Late last year I started struggling with my skin. In high school and even college, I was blessed with clear skin. Of course, I would have a breakout here and there like anyone, but overall I was lucky to have clear skin. Then something happened and now I just have more texture and redness than ever before, and random bumps that stay around forever.

It’s been super frustrating, and something I’m really struggling with lately. Some months it feels like I totally have it under control, and then all of a sudden I wake up with three breakouts and raised bumps and random texture. So, I have to start the process over and see what I can do to get it back on track!

First I want to say, I’m 100% a crazy research person. I love to research skin stuff and have probably watched 100 YouTube videos at this point trying to learn everything. I know that my problem skin could be an array of issues and that products are not the #1 answer. So this month I’m trying to change up things on the inside and outside!

Of course, this is just what I’m doing, and I’m definitely not an expert. But I figured I could share it all with you guys, and report back next month!


Yikes. Can’t believe I’m sharing these pictures on the internet, but here we go. I hate how my skin looks in these, but I know it will be helpful in a few weeks to see the progress… hopefully! Also, I feel like I should note – I know my skin isn’t horrible, and I know it could be worse. The photos above definitely don’t show it all, but regardless, are hard to share and look at.



Collagen powder – I used to add collagen to my coffee every day for so long, and then ran out and never replaced it! Do your research, but in short as we age we stop producing collagen and need to add it back in. It’s great for added hydration, elasticity, skin aging and just overall skin health. There are other benefits to taking collagen besides skin health, but obviously that’s what I’m looking for right now!

Lots of water – I’m trying to fill up my 32oz cup about 3-4 times a day! Need all the water to hydrate my skin and flush all the bad stuff out!

Cleaner diet – Honestly I’ve been eating fairly healthy for the past few months, but I definitely indulge a bit on the weekends. It’s all about finding a good balance, but when it comes to my skin it is pretty sensitive to what I eat. I can always see an instant change in my skin when I eat fast food- especially CFA.

Vitamins and probiotics – I just ordered some new vitamins (my other vitamins were pills and were making me so nauseous) so I got some gummy options! I’m still researching a good probiotic. A lot of skin issues can come from our gut, so trying to see if a probiotic will help!


New products – As I said, I know changing up products isn’t the magic solution. But, I’m not seeing the results I want with my current routine so I figured I would try a few new things. Everything I’m putting into my routine I’m going to try for at least two weeks to decide. I usually try new products for a complete month, but the whole skincare kit I bought is only a travel size so it only lasts for about two weeks!


  • Niacinamide: One of my favorite ingredients, and a holy grail product for me. The Ordinary line has a niacinamide and zinc combo that I use nightly but saw this one floating around YouTube and Instagram so figured I would try. It’s 10% more concentrated than mine so let’s hope it gets the job done!
  • 3 Step Routine: New skincare routine from the same brand! This brand is new to me but has amazing reviews and I always see their ads on social media! I got the travel size for under $20 so it’s not too much of a loss if I don’t love it!
  • Sunday Riley UFO Oil: My friend Kelly raves about this, and recommended it whenever I was venting to her about my skin. Also, a handful of other bloggers that I follow rave about it as well, and I’ve seen other people have such great results from it. It’s pricier than what I spend on skincare, but with how crappy I’ve felt about my skin lately I’m desperate to find something to fix it!

Slip pillowcase – One of my best friends got me a silk pillowcase for my birthday, and I finally washed it over the weekend so it’s all ready to use! Silk pillowcases are said to have major benefits for both your skin and hair. I don’t know the exact science, but at this point I’m trying it all.

Cleansing after workouts – I’ve been on my fitness grind, so with that comes a lot of sweaty workouts. I’ve been making it a point to immediately rinse off my face after a workout, and cleanse with micellar water. Initially, I was using my normal cleanser but thought I could be over-cleansing it and maybe drying out my skin more. The micellar water is gentle enough and still hydrating!

Hopefully next month there will be a blog post from me on my current clear skin routine! But, until then I’ll be updating on my Instagram the progress I see and don’t see!


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