8 Ways To Survive Your Summer Run

How to survive your summer run. Tips on how to run in the summer heat and humidity. Tips on how to stay cool and motivated during your summer run. The Blonder Life


It’s been about 13 weeks since I decided to download the Couch To 5K app and “get back into running”. I say this very loosely, because I was by no means a runner before. My sister and I loved doing the Houston Turkey Trot and we would always “train” for that a few weeks before. But, really that was it. I thought I hated running, and it always sounded like such torture.

Once quarantine hit, or maybe even before that, my sister (the one I did the turkey trot with) started running again! She was using the Couch To 5K app, and it inspired me to download it! Side note, I had been working out consistently for about a month and half before I decided to start running!

After using the app for about 7 weeks, I decided to run on my own and that’s when I started using the Nike Run Club App!

I 100% recommend both apps, and think they’re great! Couch To 5K helped me get into the groove of running, and build up my endurance to run 2 miles. Now, that I can run 2 miles without stopping I use the guided runs on the Nike Run Club app! They have a lot of different options from beginner to advanced!

So I’ll be honest I’ve had a hard time wanting to go for a run since summer temperatures arrived in Houston. It gets extremely hot here, and the humidity makes everything worse. It’s hard to pump myself up when I know it’s going to be miserable outside. But I’m trying to change my mindset and find my groove again. I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts & she actually had a whole episode about running in the summertime and how to stay motivated and how to improve your run! I’m taking a lot of her tips, because they definitely need to be shared. Also adding a few of my own too!



I wasn’t doing this for so long, and it makes me cringe. So so bad for your skin. You only have the skin God gave you, so protect it! Also SPF ensures you don’t get a million funky sports bra and running shorts tan lines! I wear a face specific Neutrogena SPF & then whatever SPF 50 I picked up at CVS recently.


I’m most comfortable wearing running shorts and a sports bra, but I know that isn’t the case for everyone! If you like wearing workout tops on your run, make sure you’re grabbing an option that is light colored and breathable! Sweat-wicking material is the way to go!


Wearing a hat will protect your skin from the sun, and will help to keep you cooler since your face is shaded. It’s important to get a sweat-wicking hat, and not a standard cotton baseball hat! The material will help to keep you cool, and dry!

How to survive your summer run. Tips on how to run in the summer heat and humidity. Tips on how to stay cool and motivated during your summer run. The Blonder Life


Like I mentioned above, I’ve been struggling to even get out the door when it comes to my day to run! I used to truly look forward to running, simply because it was therapeutic and I was doing something good for my body. Once I started to really get into running, and was running for longer distances something changed. I was running just because I scheduled it. I was feeling sluggish the whole time, and was never getting any better. I wasn’t looking forward to my run, and 10 seconds into it I already was counting down the time until I would be done. Which really made a bad run, and then another bad run, and then all of my runs were turning out to be bad. BUT, this is how I’m fixing it! And how you can too, if you’re in the same funk!

Think about why you run? Everyone’s why is different. But I think it’s important that your why is a long term motivator. Maybe you do want to run a 5K, but okay what else? Pushing yourself to a tangible goal is great don’t get me wrong. But, I think you need something pushing you to keep going on those hard days.

Okay maybe you do want to finish a 5K, but why do you want to keep running? Maybe it’s to be healthier for your family, or to make daily tasks less difficult, or find a hobby.. there could be so many reasons!

For me my why is to get time away and get out of my head. I’m an over thinker and planner 100%. So my day consists of me being in my head a lot and making a ton of to do lists. I’m always thinking ahead and trying to figure out what’s next. Whether it’s in my business, my life, my friendships, or even what I’m going to make for dinner. So running is a great outlet for me. I turn on some jams and just run.

How to survive your summer run. Tips on how to run in the summer heat and humidity. Tips on how to stay cool and motivated during your summer run. The Blonder Life


The worst times to run are when the sun is fully out, typically from 12-3 PM. That doesn’t mean every other time of day is cool, it’s just not the hottest it will be. Running before the sun comes up, or has fully set is optimal but not always possible for most people. Either because of the time, schedule issues, or other reasons.. Personally I would love to be able to get a run in before work, but that just isn’t possible for me and where I live. Where I run, is not extremely well lit, so I can’t really run before sunrise and feel super safe! So, I try to run about 20-30 minutes before sunset. That way the sun is lower during my run, but I don’t have to worry about running in the dark. If you can only carve out time to run when it’s not the most optimal, try to find a shaded path!


It’s so important to push yourself, yes yes yes I’m totally all for that. But, if it’s a million degrees outside and the humidity makes it feel like you’re swimming, your run is not going to be the same as when it’s cloudy, breezy and a perfect 75°. My goal is always 2 miles, and typically I can run it without stopping. But, recently that hasn’t been the case, and that’s okay!


Kind of going hand and hand with giving yourself grace, adjust your time and goals accordingly! The heat is going to take a toll, and you might run a slower mile, or not be able to run as long as you used to!


I typically try to walk for about 5 minutes, but sometimes I get impatient and just want to start after a few minutes of walking. Which makes my run just feel heavy and difficult. Lately I’ve been making it a point to actually warm up and walk for the full five minutes to gradually get my heart rate up, rather than starting so fast. I do the same for a cool down, as well!


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