How to Become a Morning Person

Good morning everyone, and happy Friday! What are your plans for this weekend?
Last night I had a much-needed wine + movie night with one of my best friends and got to meet her new, crazy kitten. He was such a cutie though, and I think I might be a cat person now… what?

Okay so the morning is my favorite time of the day, besides around 2 p.m. when I can go to Sonic and get an ocean water for $1, but that’s a different story. I get most of my work done in the morning and am way more productive between 7 a.m.- 11 a.m. After that, my body just starts to fade. Personally, I love doing everything in the morning and checking things off my list all before lunch, it just gives me such a feeling of accomplishment!

I would classify myself as a morning person, and so would most of my friends. My brain is more alert during this time, and I feel more “myself” during the beginning of my day. My mom would probably disagree but hey we’re just gonna go with the majority.

Before most of my friends are even awake I usually have already worked out, blogged and usually ran some type of errand. It’s just who I am. If you’re reading this and thinking “I can’t even function fully until maybe noon” then please keep reading, I am here to help you night people!

Become a morning person

  • Have something to look forward to each morning. Whether it is a new cereal, or even just a talk show that airs right at 8 a.m. having something I’m excited about makes getting out of bed a lot easier for me. This may sound kind of weird but I get really excited about the mornings when I remember about the new K-cups my mom bought or some new protein I got in the mail.
  • Make a to-do list for the day right when you wake up. I’m such a list person and get such a satisfaction from crossing things off my list. If you start telling yourself right when you wake up what you need to get done then you are more likely to get moving and get a start on that list.
  • Go to sleep earlier. Basically, I am a grandma and am in bed by 9 p.m., and usually asleep before 11. But that’s all because I’m awake by 7:30 almost every morning. The earlier you go to sleep, the earlier you will start waking up. If you have a hard time falling asleep try putting your phone away, and reading a book or drinking some tea! Your body needs rest, and during night is when everything is getting re-charged for the next day! You will feel so much more rested if you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, so get some sleep!
  • Have a protein packed breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal and I find it crazy that some people go without it?! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (how many times have you heard that from your mom?). Almost every morning I have some type of protein: whether it’s eggs or a protein smoothie, or even both. After sleeping all night your body needs protein to re-charge and get your metabolism going.

How To Become A Morning Person |

How To Become A Morning Person |

How To Become A Morning Person |

Magic Bullet

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What helps you get things done in the morning?

xx Jamie


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