Realistic Ways To Be Healthier

Realistic ways to be healthier. Sharing my tips on ways to have a healthier lifestyle. Realistic ways to be healthier with a busy schedule. The Blonder Life

Something that I’ve only talked about a handful of times on the blog is fitness! That’s just because I am so not the fitness gal, and my athletic clothes only see a gym maybe once a year. So I’m not a big fan of working out, that’s okay…. BUT I do still find ways to stay active and healthy without being a frequent gym goer.

Realistic ways to be healthier. Sharing my tips on ways to have a healthier lifestyle. Realistic ways to be healthier with a busy schedule. The Blonder Life

Realistic ways to be healthier. Sharing my tips on ways to have a healthier lifestyle. Realistic ways to be healthier with a busy schedule. The Blonder Life

Realistic ways to be healthier. Sharing my tips on ways to have a healthier lifestyle. Realistic ways to be healthier with a busy schedule. The Blonder Life

Realistic ways to be healthier. Sharing my tips on ways to have a healthier lifestyle. Realistic ways to be healthier with a busy schedule. The Blonder Life

workout set is old from Forever21

A few months ago I did start BBG by Kayla Itsines for the second time around! You can read about my thoughts here and here. But long story short I did the full round my senior year of college with a friend, and absolutely loved it. But then, tried it a few times after graduating and could never stay consistent with it. Something about 1. Not having a gym and 2. Not having an accountability partner really killed my workout vibe hahaha.

Yes, I hate working out but I still have a few habits implement to stay healthy! I figured this would be a fun post to share because I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t enjoy working out but still wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I’m not perfect! And the tips listed down below I don’t always follow, but they are a good set of guidelines!

1.Walk your dog
You have my full permission to tell your husband, boyfriend, roommate etc. that you have to adopt a puppy to keep you in shape! One of the reasons I adopted Quinn my senior year of college was to force myself to be outside more and to stay active! We go on a 1-3 mile walk every morning/mid-afternoon! Without Quinn, I probably would never go on a walk, or at least would not be consistent with it! If you don’t have a dog borrow friends’! Haha, kidding kind of. But, I’m sure anyone with a dog would actually appreciate you walking it for them, and it makes you get out of the house and get moving!

2. Take the stairs

Whether it’s walking up to your office, or just taking the stairs to your apartment! Choose the stairs over the elevator. Especially when it’s only one or two floors.

3. Drink more water

I keep a big yeti cup full of water all day! This is the easiest way for me to drink more water, since it stays cold and it’s always near me! I’ll bring it in the car with me on any errands, so I make sure I’m constantly staying hydrated.

Get a big cup that you like, and just always keep it full. Once I started having more reusable water bottles I started drinking more! Try to set a goal for yourself each day on how many cups you’ll drink, or how many times you’ll re-fill it.

4. Order dressing on the side/ skip it altogether 

Restaurants tend to drown the salad in dressing, which makes your healthy meal not so healthy… Get the dressing on the side so you can put less on and keep track of what you’re eating!

5. Always eat breakfast

Have you ever heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day!? That saying has been burned into our brains by our parents! But, it’s so true! I personally love breakfast food, so this isn’t an issue for me. But when you skip breakfast you’re asking to be hungrier throughout the day, and therefor want to indulge in more snacks!

6. Cut out meat in meals at least once a week

Once I completely cut out meat in my diet I felt the healthiest I have ever felt! Meat not being healthy can be a very taboo subject, but in my opinion it can do the body good to try to limit it! Even if it’s only a few meals a week, you can always try!

7. Relieve stress

Stress eating is a real thing! Ever want the worst junk food when you’re stressed!? I SURE DO! Take time to relive stress, and relax! Healthy mind, healthy body.

How do YOU stay healthy!? What are some easy habits you implement – or which one of these tips are you excited to try!


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