6 Tidbits For My 26th Year

Happy 26th birthday to me! Sharing 6 pieces of advice/life lessons I learned this year! The Blonder Life

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Happy Monday loves, and happy 26th birthday to me! HOW DID I GET THIS OLD? I know some of you might be reading this like oh girl, you’re still so young. But, 26 is closer to 30 than 20?! I’m no longer in my early to mid-twenties… which is crazy to me.

But, also comical because I still get asked what year of high school I’m in. Maybe with turning 26 will come the year I get taken more seriously by strangers, haha. There’s nothing worse than people asking how old I am and that look of sheer shock on their face when I answer. I know I have a baby face, but come on people I’m not 16.

As I was planning out my content for my birthday week, I was trying to decide what kind of blog post I wanted to do. The past few years have been some of the most trying, humbling, and all over rocky years of my life. I have learned a whole heck lot of patience, and wanted to do a blog post to kind of share my advice/ experience! Both for my own records to have to go look back on, and for some of you who might be in the same stage of life as me, or maybe just going into your 20’s! So in honor of my birthday, I wanted to share 6 things I learned in my 25th year of life, and what makes me confident going into 26!

Happy 26th birthday to me! Sharing 6 pieces of advice/life lessons I learned this year! The Blonder Life

Back story * I started my 25th year out jobless. I was eager to build my businesses and finally “figure out life” and feel more secure in my stage of life. I can 100% say I’m starting my 26th year out fully secure in where I’m at and where I’m going! The years following graduating college were anything but what I had expected/hoped for myself. But, you know what… that’s okay.

1. Sometimes you can’t control everything. Sometimes God has different plans for you, and although you might not understand the path, he is carving it.

2. Not everyone is going to understand your dream. Just because they don’t understand doesn’t mean they aren’t supportive. No one is going to be as invested in your dream like you. Let this go early.

3. You might feel this overwhelming sense to portray like your life isn’t all what it is. And it’s going to be extremely emotionally and mentally draining. It’s okay for people to know you don’t have it all together. In fact, people need to know that your life isn’t just as Instagram shows it.

Share the trying times.

You have this platform, use it.

4. When it comes to guys it’s okay to wait. You don’t have to settle. It’s okay to be picky, and know what you deserve. Wait for someone who checks all your boxes. Don’t let anyone tell you you need to change your standards. It’s okay to be single. It’s okay if you aren’t married yet. Get rid of this invisible timeline people like to set for you.

5. Learn that friends are going to let you down. You have extremely high standards for people, and with that people are going to disappoint you. Again, don’t change your standards. It’s okay to keep some people at arms lengths to protect your heart.

6. Invest in your skin earlier. You will never regret it.

Thanks for reading, and supporting The Blonder Life! I celebrated my birthday this past weekend in Galveston, and had so much fun! Today is actually the dreariest day here in Houston, so who knows what I will actually do today. Might just be a movie day – which I’m very okay with. Then will be heading to dinner with Andrew and my parents later tonight to end the festivities!

Love yall xx

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